Isabel Lewis
Liz Craft
After the exciting interventions carried out by Marco Bruzzone and Darius Miksys during the phase of Transformation, the laboratories related to the phase of Service were characterized by a more analytical and reflective approach.
In line with the research she conducts in her artistic practice, Isabel Lewis engaged the participants in a reflection of the act of serving as a performative work where the body, interpreted as a political tool, helped to compose a number of creative and inspired serving scores.
The participants were invited to think and draft reflections on how to deconstruct and subvert such power structures, in favor of a scenario where serving could be used as an universal currency, well summarized by the motto „serving and being served“.
The participants had the possibility to concretely enact these reflections on Sunday 16th May at the field trip to Gerswalde. There, the group was led through a multi-sensorial workshop where smelling and gazing became the primary tool through which to investigate the body of the other. Each participant was later invited to prepare a dish, choosing from a buffet organised for the occasion, and offer it to another person, while waiting to be offered the same courtesy: an act of generous giving and receiving, which had the effect of upturning the position of the server and the served, resulting in a horizontal sharing opportunity. In the final part of the day, Lewis introduced to the group the soon-to-be-launched project she has been developing with Dirk Bell and Thomas Bullock, „13 boxes“, an exercise in the flourishing of culture both agricultural and creative.
On the following weekend, Isabel Lewis continued her investigation on the exchangeable roles involved in the service phase by staging a tea ceremony hosted, at turns, by the laboratory participants.
During the same days, the attendants could take part in a ceramic painting workshop orchestrated by Liz Craft. For her participation to Every Mouth Must Be Fed, Craft created tutorials on how to paint on ceramic, her field of expertise; the audience was then invited to follow the instructions provided and recreate on plates a selection of images the artist had previously chosen — spiderwebs woven by spiders under the effects of different substances.
The material produced collectively during these days, plates as well as serving scores, will be used in the approaching final celebrative days of the project.
Isabel Lewis
Liz Craft

After the exciting interventions carried out by Marco Bruzzone and Darius Miksys during the phase of Transformation, the laboratories related to the phase of Service were characterized by a more analytical and reflective approach.
In line with the research she conducts in her artistic practice, Isabel Lewis engaged the participants in a reflection of the act of serving as a performative work where the body, interpreted as a political tool, helped to compose a number of creative and inspired serving scores.
The participants were invited to think and draft reflections on how to deconstruct and subvert such power structures, in favor of a scenario where serving could be used as an universal currency, well summarized by the motto „serving and being served“.
The participants had the possibility to concretely enact these reflections on Sunday 16th May at the field trip to Gerswalde. There, the group was led through a multi-sensorial workshop where smelling and gazing became the primary tool through which to investigate the body of the other. Each participant was later invited to prepare a dish, choosing from a buffet organised for the occasion, and offer it to another person, while waiting to be offered the same courtesy: an act of generous giving and receiving, which had the effect of upturning the position of the server and the served, resulting in a horizontal sharing opportunity. In the final part of the day, Lewis introduced to the group the soon-to-be-launched project she has been developing with Dirk Bell and Thomas Bullock, „13 boxes“, an exercise in the flourishing of culture both agricultural and creative.
On the following weekend, Isabel Lewis continued her investigation on the exchangeable roles involved in the service phase by staging a tea ceremony hosted, at turns, by the laboratory participants.
During the same days, the attendants could take part in a ceramic painting workshop orchestrated by Liz Craft. For her participation to Every Mouth Must Be Fed, Craft created tutorials on how to paint on ceramic, her field of expertise; the audience was then invited to follow the instructions provided and recreate on plates a selection of images the artist had previously chosen — spiderwebs woven by spiders under the effects of different substances.
The material produced collectively during these days, plates as well as serving scores, will be used in the approaching final celebrative days of the project.