Kira Lillie / In Co Lab
Franziska Lantz / Global Warming
The chapter of celebration, the fifth cycle of workshops that closed Every Mouth Must Be Fed, was supervised by the invited artists Kira Lillie and Franziska Lantz and unfolded as a reflection and enacting of different celebrative moments and rituals.
On June 9th, Kira Lillie invited the workshop participants and the contributing artists to an open discussion on the meaning of celebration, a reflection over personal perceptions of what is a safe space and on how to create one that serves as many individuals as possible. The considerations carried on by the participants were noted down and became research material for the development of further steps of the project.
Franziska Lantz orchestrated the workshop of June 19th, where the participants where guided through a research on spontaneously generated sounds and rhythms with the help of non-musical instruments and object trouves, a practice that permeates Lantz’s artistic production. The aim of Every Mouth Must Be Fed to connect with the communities of Kottbusser Tor, found here the precious support of the group running the Kotti Shop of Adalbertstrasse, where the workshop took place: a space established to serve and engage with the residents of the historically and socially meaningful building above it.
On June 20th, Every Mouth Must Be Fed participated to the „Soul For Food“ market organized by Arts of the Working Class: on this occasion, in line with the researches conducted up until that point, Kira Lillie designed a celebratory space where visitors could experience a ritualistic moment of meeting characterized by the avoidance of over-structures, while Franziska Lantz accompanied the presentation of fun food and special drinks with a live presentation of her Sounds Escapes.
On Thursday 24th the present, participating artists set up different laboratory stations in the rooms of aquarium, each dedicating themselves to the production of their contribution for the final day of the project: visitors were invited to visit and engage with the various activities going on in the space.
The day of Friday 25th was dedicated to bread baking thanks to the precious collaboration with Baking Future, a project addressing the value of communal, practical doing. An mobile oven produced by Baking Futures was installed on the sidewalk of Kottbusser Tor very close to the aquarium, where, assisted by the help and firing expertise of David Moritz, Luigi D’Alessio had the chance to bake breads and a series of loaves shaped as breasts that would have been part of an intervention by Valentina Karga on the final day of the project. The event unfolded as an open demonstration and as a catalyzator in the bustle of Kottbusser Tor: a meeting point that could accommodate the curiosity and engagement of passers-by and local residents.
Kira Lillie, in the meanwhile, made use of the oven for a dinner that would have taken place that same evening in the rooms of aquarium: the gathering was designed as a multi-sensorial dining experience dominated by playfulness and simplicity, that would also serve as a bridging event to the following day, the last one of the project.